​ Famiy-Owned Hunting Ranch ​
Sweet Freedom Ranch is a fair chase hunting ranch(no high fences) located one hour East of Oklahoma City in Okemah, Oklahoma. Our ranch is low pressure with high success rates and is managed year round for both deer and turkey. Our goal is is for all of our hunters to have a fun relaxing hunt in Okfuskee County.
We are proud to offer single or multi day hunts with hot meals and great accommodations for the multiday hunters. Hunts take place from raised box blinds, ground blinds or ladder stands. Guides will transport you to and from hunting locations, assist in tracking and will field dress the animal for you. Airport pickup from both Tulsa and Oklahoma City is available upon request. ​
Check out our hunting options with pricing and the accommodations during your visit to our ranch.
Come hunt Green Country and experience a hunt of a lifetime. ​